Horse Trail Directory Equine News


Grifith Park-Los Angeles, CA

Near: Los Angeles-San Fernando Valley, CA
Miles of Trails: 50
More Difficult
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Trail Description: Grifith Park is the largest park in an urban area anywhere in the United States. Located next to the Los Angeles Equest. Cntr. along the 134/ I5 freeway there are lots of well groomed trails with horse water tanks. Some of the trails are a real challenge and seem to go straight up! Others are flat and easy even for NON-riders on "rented" stable nags! I trailer in and park near "Travel Town" or "The Los Angeles Zoo" parking lot. Both have trails heads at these areas. Lots of oak trees, pine, and other shrubs to block out the hot sun. From the mountain tops you get a wonderful view of the city sky lines-it is easy to forget you are riding in the middle of Los Angeles-until you hit the mountain tops. In the park you will see DEER! Yea, right in Los Angeles! Week Days seem tobe the best as the park fills up on weekends with people from the area-some of which are not horse wise! If you need a map of the park and water holes and horse rest stops contact the Park Rangers at Grifith Park-they will send you one! Also, the western musium is near the LA City Zoo-so this is an added plus! For the first time I went down to the park and had a good time with my 3 horses-I intend to go back. NO OVER NIGHT CAMPING-NO FIRES-DAY USE ONLY-PARK CLOSED AT SUNSET! they do have toliets and water tanks for horses-lots of parking

no camping-no fires- Martinez arena (near Forest Lawn) is open for public use-access off the 134 Freeway lots of trailer parking near travel town (live steam train area), and The LA City Zoo-some parking lots are way too small to park a horse trailer in. Lots of curb red zones-so use these parking areas for easy access. Contact the Ranger Station for a Park Map of the horse trails and more park info! 1-323-644-6661 (this the direct phone number to the Park Rangers at Grifith Park). PARK TRAILS ARE ALL MARKED "RATTLE SNAKE AND MOUNTAIN LIONS PRESENT"- I have seen deer, skunks, raccoons, but never a snake or lion!

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